16 January 2011

Queen of last minute.

I'm a Queen who just appears love to do things at a last minute, if I'm being honest, I'm quite an expert at it until yesterday...when it decided to come and kick me in the face, talk about karma.

What happens was, I want to apply for university next September 2011, I thought the deadline was on 27th January until a friend pointed it out, that it was on 15th January. I literally panic, so I meet up with a friend on Saturday (which was a bad idea seeing it was on the day of deadline but I didn't realise it would backfired). We brainstorm, discuss and she wrote up a perfect personal statement whilst I write up my referencer detail contact on UCAS and I wasn't aware that they need theirs confirmation, so I text them, they replied they were away for a weekend means they wouldn't have any access to internet and I was almost that close to have a heart attack. Hours and hours passed by, I started to panic and I keep thinking those thoughts going through my mind. I was past the deadline and I though ''it is over.'' a frend keep reassuring me that things will be fine but today, the panic is now over because it is all sealed, paid and sent. YAY. Now I just hold on tight, keep both my fingers and toes crossed... and wait.

I'd say it was an eye opening experience for me, never leave anything important until the last minute because you will never know when it will comes to kick you in the asses. Deja Vu.

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